Blog Post #4

 Hey y’all! Today was a pretty smooth day. In fourth block we read and analyzed two poems by Langston Hughes. The second poem, “A Dream Deferred” discussed what one thinks happens when a dream is put on hold. My number one dream is to be financially abundant and successful. This is my dream because I want to be able to provide a lifestyle that is beyond comfortable, not only for my future self but for my future kids. I want to create generational wealth so my children and the generations after me have more opportunities and can live more comfortably than I did. I will achieve this goal by educating myself on money management, learning to invest and taking my goal of owning my business seriously. I will learn to save and make smart financial decisions to ensure that my dream isn’t deferred. I know I will achieve it and remember you can achieve anything you desire to do with the right mindset and work ethic.

                                  Until next time,

                                         Nadia 💕


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