Reflection: 8-10-21

 Hey y’all! Welcome back to my blog. Today was a pretty calm day. I spent most of my day playing “catch up” because of my absence yesterday but I’m all caught up. I made a vow to myself that I will NOT be procrastinating this school year. Of course because I have a Master’s Degree in procrastinating I had to tweak my goal a little bit and say that I might procrastinate for a few hours but I’m going to still do my assignments before they’re due. We really didn’t have a bunch of work in American Lit. today. We took a diagnostic test (I scored a 90%.) and went over the answers today as a class. I had to work today and to say it was exhausting would be an understatement. On that note, good night class.

                            Until next time,

                                     Nadia 💕


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