Reflection 9/15/21

 Hey y’all! Long time, no speak. I know y’all missed me and I truly apologize for my absence. The spirit of procrastination has been kicking my butt lately. But I’m back and hopefully the reminders and alarms I set to remind me to stay on top of my work are effective. Today in AP Language and Composition we analyzed the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Day”. I found it to be not as interesting as the previous ones we read this week. The poem was pretty much about a man and his horse who stops in the middle of the woods on a snowy night to take in the scenery of nature. However, the speaker talks about how he desires to just stay in the woods but can’t because he has a purpose to fulfill. This theme can be very common in life because there are moments where someone might just want to shut down and give up but they are reminded of all they have to achieve and this motivates them to keep going. My reflection for today was pretty brief mainly because it’s currently 11:59 and I’m trying to hurry and get this turned in soooo goodnight everyone!

                                Until next time,

                                       Nadia 💕


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