10/6/21 Blog Prompt: A Secret Revealed


Hey y'all! I'm honestly extremely excited to be doing these prompts. Besides the fact that I have to do them in place of all the ones I failed to complete, I think these are going to be fun because the prompts are actually interesting. So on this post, I'll be talking about the time a secret was revealed, that secret being mine. Now of course, I would love to share the secret with all of you beautiful people reading my blog. However, the prompt is more so about the secret being exposed rather than the actual secret itself. So to make a long story short (because believe me, I could sit allll day and tell stories) it all started three summers ago in 2019. Some friends and I participated in something that we truly didn't have any business doing. I know your mind is probably somewhere thinking  about the plot of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" but don't worry because it was actually more minor than you might think, I'm just slightly dramatic. Either way, me and the friends who participated in the act had non-verbally, BUT mutually made a pact that we would keep the situation under wraps. And that we did, for the entirety of the summer. That fall, we returned to school and everything was fine.. until it wasn't. A couple months into the school year, I was minding my business, per usual, when I heard MY business being told by someone who a) I didn't tell it to and b) wasn't present the day it happened. Soon after, our "secret" was now the topic of classroom, lunch table, and school bus gossip. I was baffled about how masses of people were beginning to find out. I simply could not understand if the people who were involved in the situation all knew not to say anything, how so many people were finding out. After I did some thorough investigating, we found out that one of the people who were involved in the situation.. was the one telling everyone. BUT HERE'S THE KICKER: they were telling a version of the secret that benefited they're reputation. Crazy right? That situation definitely taught me to watch the company I keep. But that's all for this post. Oh and by the way, the situation involved nothing illegal or immoral in case you're jumping to crazy conclusions, lol.

                                                               Until next time, 

                                                                          Nadia 💕


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